Weather-Related Closings and Delays

For details on Abilene ISD's procedures for weather-related closings and delays, please click here to learn more.

Safety and Security

At Abilene ISD, ensuring a safe and secure learning environment is our top priority. In an emergency, our immediate goals are to protect students and staff while providing parents and the community with timely, accurate information.

We collaborate closely with local police, fire, medical services, and other agencies, and train staff in AISD’s Emergency Response Procedures (EOP). Our greatest partners in maintaining safety are our students, parents, and community members. We investigate every reported concern and encourage everyone to use our Speak Up system to anonymously report any safety issues, including bullying or harassment.

AISD Alerts

Emergency Information for Parents

Safety Tips for Parents


Tony Lassetter

Director of School Safety and Security
Email Tony Lassetter
(325) 677-1444 ext. 8376